Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Her Routine

It is amazing how babies can begin to get into their routine at such a young age. While she doesn't necessarily take naps at the same time each day, she usually has her eating times down. Like a nice alarm clock, we have been getting up anywhere between 4:30 to 6 every morning. She usually nurses and takes a bottle then goes back to sleep while I'm left looking at the clock wondering if I should just get up or try to take advantage of 15 more minutes of sleep. Throughout her day, she spends it mostly with Sarah. Sarah grew up with my sister-in-law, Malindi, and her family. She runs a daycare out of her house. It is so nice having quality daycare with someone that you actually know. Sarah currently watches 4 other little girls that range in ages 9 months to 2 years old. All the little girls love Jocelyn. After I pick her up, it's usually time to eat again. Then we play for about an hour. She usually takes a power nap the middle part of the evening. We take a bath about 9 or so and then its usually time for the last feeding. Most nights she is asleep in her bed by 10. She is such a great sleeper. Once she is asleep, it is usually for the rest of the night. She is such a big girl now that she is sleeping in her own crib all by herself. It was definitely time though, she is all over the place in that crib. That is usually our typical routine. The weekends tend to through it off some but she is a trooper and is able to adapt pretty well.

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