Thursday, March 26, 2009
Good To Go
Today, Jocelyn had her check up appointment to make sure that her ear infection cleared up. We got to see her doctor, Dr. Mellick. She was really impressed how well Jocelyn was doing. She kept trying to roll everywhere. It appears that the infection has cleared up. Her ears look good without any evidence of fluid. So, it is a relief knowing that we are going to Hays and I don't have to worry about her being sick again. She does want us to see an ENT specialist because Joce has been sick twice now with this type of stuff before she turned 6 months. We will see an ENT next week at the Down syndrome clinic appointment. So, I will be leaving this evening for a fun fill adventure with Jocelyn and her three cousins, Maddy, Jude and Olive. It should be interesting since this is my first trip by myself with all four. We will get to see my aunt Jen and her two kids. It should be a good time. I will post some pictures next week.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The First Time Eating Solid Food
On Friday, we decided Jocelyn was ready to start eating rice cereal. It was quite an adventure. I had been getting her ready for it earlier in the week by using a gum brush and wiping her mouth out with a cold wash cloth (all suggestions made by our wonderful OT). Started out with just a small amount of cereal and it had quite a bit of liquid in it. She opened up like she knew what was going on. Although I am not sure that she was expecting the food. Joce had this look on her face like "What in world was that? That sure doesn't take like my bottle."She did a great job. But I am not sure exactly what they are suppose to do
when they are first eating since this is my first child. But she ate quite a bit and made quite a mess as well. I think she enjoyed it. I am just waiting for the day when she can feed herself. I can only imagine what a mess there will be.

Oh, and I also included pictures of her new bath tub. She has out grown her infant tub. She seems to like lounging in it. 

Friday, March 13, 2009
Ear Infection #1
So it finally happened. Jocelyn has her first ear infection. I figured it wouldn't be long before she had one. Sunday she started having some nasal congestion but was still acting normal, just her happy go lucky self. Then as the week went on, she started getting more and more congested and you could tell that she was more and more miserable as well. She did have a mild little cough but nothing that was very productive. Wednesday, I took her to Sarah's like normal. I was talking to a co-worker about her little cold and wondering if it was a cold or allergies. Alex and I's allergies have been really bothering us the past week. Just then, Sarah called me and said that she thought that Jocelyn might really be sick. And you have to know that Sarah is not the type of day care provider that easily gets worked up about a little cold. So, when I saw that she was calling, I knew Baby J must really be sick. I picked her up and she pretty much had snot coming out of her eyes. She was all flushed and her eyes were puffy and swollen and a little red. I was worried about a secondary infection like pink eye. So we went to the pediatrician. The whole time I am thinking that I hope I am not turning into some crazy mom who takes her kid the doctor every time she sneezes. I knew it was a virus. I was also concerned for her ears because babies who have Down syndrome tend to have a much higher incidence of ear infections because of their anatomy. So as Summer, the NP, looked in her ears, she let out this awful cry. Right then I knew that she had an ear infection. So now we are on day #3 of the anti-biotics. She is getting better every day. Her eyes are clearing up and she is less grouchy. Sarah then told me that two other little girls at the day care are both on their second round of anti-biotics for ear infections. Good old day care. Don't you just love how they share so well with each other? So we have experienced our first ear infection, and hopefully this will not become a common occurrence.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
5 Month Update

So today Jocelyn turned 5 months old. I can't believe it. Time has just flown by. I posted some recent pics that we have taken. I really wish I could get a good picture of her cute smile and laugh but every time I pull out the camera, it is like she knows exactly what I am trying to do. So, I will keep trying so I can share it with everyone. We had OT today. Jocelyn did great as usual. She is really starting to move. She is almost sitting independently. She still needs some lower trunk support. She is rolling over from tummy to back pretty easy and has begun going from back to tummy. She is really starting to play with toys and show interest in them as well. Deidre did her evaluation today as well. She is going to give me the results next time. Although she wasn't able to test everything she needed to because Baby J has a little cold and wasn't in to much tummy time today. She has to do an evaluation every 6 months to make suggestions if Jocelyn may need any other services or to change the schedule of meetings. A couple of weeks ago, I bought an exerciser that is a cross between the saucer play thing and a johnny jump up. Her little toes are starting to touch the ground and she is beginning to find out that she can bounce a little. It is amazing how fast she is growing up and learning new things.
Monday, March 9, 2009
So, I just thought that I would share our recent experience with the ever-changing wardrobe of Jocelyn's. Since it is becoming warmer, all the stores are only carrying spring and summer clothes. So a couple of weeks ago, I bought her some nice spring clothes all 6-9 months. On Saturday, it was pretty nice so I put her in a pair of her new capri's and shirt. It barely fits her! In about 2-3 weeks, she is going to be way too big for them. Her main problem is that she is so long that the shirts are too short. I guess it is a good problem to have though, right? So now, here shortly it will be time to buy more clothes for the spring and summer. I guess I will bumping it up to 9-12 months. Crazy, huh? For a 5 month old.
Oh, and this week she turns 5 months so I will be taking more pics. I will post them as soon as I can.
Oh, and this week she turns 5 months so I will be taking more pics. I will post them as soon as I can.
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