On Friday, we decided Jocelyn was ready to start eating rice cereal. It was quite an adventure. I had been getting her ready for it earlier in the week by using a gum brush and wiping her mouth out with a cold wash cloth (all suggestions made by our wonderful OT). Started out with just a small amount of cereal and it had quite a bit of liquid in it. She opened up like she knew what was going on. Although I am not sure that she was expecting the food. Joce had this look on her face like "What in world was that? That sure doesn't take like my bottle."She did a great job. But I am not sure exactly what they are suppose to do
when they are first eating since this is my first child. But she ate quite a bit and made quite a mess as well. I think she enjoyed it. I am just waiting for the day when she can feed herself. I can only imagine what a mess there will be.

Oh, and I also included pictures of her new bath tub. She has out grown her infant tub. She seems to like lounging in it. 

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