Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend With Friends

We had a pretty nice, laid back week. You know, the normal busy. We know we wanted to rest up for our weekend. One Saturday, our friends Chuck and Emily's daughter Makayla turned 5 years old. She had a party at the Lawrence Gymnastics Academy. So before the party, Alex, Jocelyn and I went to Massachusetts St. in Lawrence to walk around and shop. We bought Jocelyn her first KU football jersey. It is so adorable. I can't wait for next weekend for her to wear her shirt with her jean skirt. We also saw some cute cheerleading outfits she might just have to have. We also went and had some appetizers and drinks. Jocelyn chowed down on her gold fish and juice. She was so well behaved, unlike the two year old who liked to scream throughout the day. We then went to the Red Lyon Bar. It was Jocelyn's first trip to a real bar. I think she really enjoyed it. We then went to the party and Jocelyn got to play on the slide. She played with our friend's Adam and Amber and their daughter Mia who is 3. Mia was in love with Jocelyn and gave her many hugs and kisses. I just wish Jocelyn was a little bit older. I'm sure she would love to go and jump into the foam pit. After the party, we went back Chuck and Emily's house to hang out with all of our friends including Sean, Malindi, Maddy, Jude and Olive. Jocelyn enjoyed playing on the floor and crawling all over the place. Since her afternoon nap was thrown off, she crashed pretty early. Thankfully, Aubrey is still sleeping her her bassinet so Jocelyn was able to sleep in her crib. Today, we took it easy and just hung out at home. (oh except for our weekly trip to Target). Jocelyn was a little cranky today. I think she has a tooth coming in. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon. We have a very busy weekend coming up. Alex's uncle Ned and cousin Eric are coming in from California for the weekend.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Busy Weekend with Oma

Well this weekend, it was a weekend of firsts. Jocelyn's Grandma Vicki, Oma (which is German for grandma), came to town this weekend. Jocelyn spent all day Friday with her. They had a good time hanging out and playing. Friday night, we had a girls' night. Our friend Emily came over with her two girls, Makayla and Aubrey. So the six of us hung out and had a good time without any stinky boys. Saturday was Jocelyn's first day down on Mass. street in Lawrence. We ate at our favorite restaurant, Free State Brewery, with Jocelyn's Aunt Malindi, Uncle Sean and her cousins Maddy, Jude and Olive, and Oma. We had a great meal. Then, there was a street festival going on so we walked up and down Mass. street to see all the performers. It was around nap time so Jocelyn fell asleep about half way through the adventure. I had such a great time seeing all the new sites and checking out some of my favorite stores. It really made me miss living in Lawrence. Then, we went to Target and many other stores back to school shopping for Maddy and Jude. Of course, we always need baby stuff so we went along too. Then, Saturday night, Jocelyn stayed the night with Oma while Alex and I went camping. This was Jocelyn's first night away from her mom and dad. She did great though, even if she woke up at 4:30. So, as you can tell, it was a weekend of many firsts. Jocelyn's first girls night, first trip to down town Lawrence, first back to school shopping and her first night away from mom and dad. She is such a trooper. She was just her happy self the whole time. Oh, and Jocelyn did some more modeling for her Aunt Malindi's hat store. So check out her pics sometime. The link is listed on my page.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We Survived the Big Lake Trip

We returned Sunday night from our long week at the lake. Jocelyn did amazing. She didn't get fussy or cranky in the heat. She got to swim every day and play with all of her friends and cousins. The weather was pretty nice except for some crazy Kansas wind Friday and Saturday. Amazingly, she kept on her schedule and took good naps. It helped that my parents have a camper so she was able to take nice, long, air conditioned naps. I can't wait for next year when Jocelyn will be running around getting into trouble with the rest of the kids. Playing in the mud, pestering the dogs. This year was kind of frustrating, I think, for Jocelyn since should couldn't just go every where she wanted. Saturday night, we had an awards ceremony to commemorate the past 15 years of going to the lake. Olive and Jocelyn (OJ, as we like to call them now) won the award for the cutest baby. However, it was kind of rigged since the judges were Malindi and I. We stayed at the lake an extra day this year. We were all definitely ready to come home Sunday. Jocelyn slept the entire way home. I think she, along with Alex and I, are still trying to play catch up. We are now going to get ready for the next camping trip in September with Grandma and Grandpa Green. (But first we have to get a new tent. Ours broke in the wind Friday night)
Check out the latest slide show for more pics from the lake :-)

10 Months Old!!!

Yes, it is true, Jocelyn is now 10 months old. I was looking at her old pictures from the previous months and it is amazing to see how much older she looks. You can tell she is no longer that infant but starting to turn into an ornery, yet adorable, toddler. We have now had to create a fortress in our living room to try to contain Jocelyn. She is every where. She is not yet crawling up on all fours, but she is super quick army crawling. I think she gets around so well army crawling that she doesn't yet see the need for it. She is also getting close to pulling herself up. She does it pretty well with assistance. As I posted earlier, she is now taking her naps and going to bed like a big girl in her own bed all by herself. She has also had her first bumps and bruises from her toys. Currently, she has a little bruise on her forehead. I was getting the pictures together for her blog, I heard a little cry from the floor. She had bopped her self in the eye with her bucket. I'm sure it won't be the last of the bumps and bruises.

Also, just a little reminder that the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk is coming up in October. Don't forget to sign up to come out and walk with us. It is going to be a great time!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Leaving for Week

We are getting ready now to get on the road. We are leaving today to go to Hays for the night. Then, tomorrow we will be heading to Wilson Lake for the annual camp out. This will be Jocelyn's first "big camp out." This is our 15th year anniversary. So we have lots of festivities planned for the weekend. So check back next week for fun pictures and an update. Wish us well and pray for cool weather.