We had a pretty nice, laid back week.
You know, the normal busy. We know we wanted to rest up for our weekend. One Saturday, our friends Chuck and Emily's daughter Makayla turned 5 years old. She had a party at the Lawrence Gymnastics Academy. So before the party, Alex, Jocelyn and I went to Massachusetts St. in Lawrence to walk around and shop. We bought Jocelyn her first KU football jersey. It is so adorable. I can't wait for next weekend for her to wear her shirt with her jean skirt. We also saw some cute cheerleading outfits she might just have to have. We also went and had some appetizers and drinks. Jocelyn chowed do
wn on her gold fish and juice. She was so well behaved, unlike the two year old who liked to scream throughout the day. We then went to the Red Lyon Bar. It was Jocelyn's first trip to a real bar. I think she really enjoyed it. We then went to the party and Jocelyn got to play on the slide. She played with our friend's Adam and Amber and their daughter Mia who is 3. Mia was in love with Jocelyn and gave
her many hugs and kisses. I just wish Jocelyn was a little bit older. I'm sure she would love to go and jump into the foam pit. After the party, we went back Chuck and Emily's house to hang out with all of our friends including Sean, Malindi, Maddy, Jude and Olive. Jocelyn enjoyed playing on the floor and
crawling all over the place. Since her afternoon nap was thrown off, she crashed pretty early. Thankfully, Aubrey is still sleeping her her bassinet so Jocelyn was able to sleep in her crib. Today, we took it easy and just hung out at home. (oh except for our weekly trip to Target). Jocelyn was a little cranky today.
I think she has a tooth coming in. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon. We have a very busy weekend coming up. Alex's uncle Ned and cousin Eric are coming in from California for the weekend.

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