This past week, we had Jocelyn's one year well child check up. Last week was her check up for her ears and it went well. The tubes are both still in, open and working properly. The doctor anticipates that they will fall out over the next 4-6 months. Once that happens, we will need to re-evaluate if we need new ones. She also passed her hearing screening that is recommending every year. At her well child check, we checked her weight which was 24 and a half pounds which is in the 88th percentile for typical kids and her length was 31 and a half inches which was 97th percentile for typical kids. Once again, she was off the charts for Down syndrome kids. This if the first visit that her height was clearly higher on the charts than her weight. It is probably due to how much she moves throughout the day. She never sits still. She is constantly on the go. The rest of her visit we went. Her doctor was very proud of her. She did get some vaccinations which is never fun but there was only 2 or 3 tears shed. We still have to get her blood work done. Part of her Down syndrome annual work up. She gets a CBC to check her white count and platelets and her thyroid screening as well. We still have her eye appointment this week. So in the midst of all the doctor visits, we found time to go to Baldwin this weekend. My brother Sean and his family live there. It was the annual Maple Leaf festival. The festival is pretty big and draws lots of people into the small town. We went to the
parade and saw Jocelyn's cousin Maddy with the rest of the junior high cheerleaders. It was pretty chilly that day so we had to bundle up. Later on that day, it turned out to be a pretty nice day though. The rest of the day, we spent partying at Sean's house. Jocelyn and Olive played all day long. She was pretty tired by the end of the day. Now this week, we are gearing up for the Down syndrome walk this weekend. It is going to be a blast.

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