Well, we have had some new developments in our house hold in the past couple of weeks. Jocelyn now has
three teeth. Her top one just popped through this past weekend. I think every once in a while I can hear her grinding those little teeth together. We recently started working a speech therapist. She has over 33 years of experience and works both in school and with kids in the home. Paula is very knowledgeable and of course just loves
Jocelyn. We also met with our family service coordinator, Bev. She was very impressed and surprised how well Jocelyn is doing. She hasn't seen Jocelyn since she was 6 months old. We are going to continue with weekly OT and every other weeks PT and Speech therapy. Also, in the past couple of weeks, Jocelyn is able to pull herself up all by herself.
She can pull herself up to stand up on almost all of our furniture. She has even started to cruise (walking along the furniture). Once she gets a little more strength in her lower legs and core, I think she will really start to move. Then, we will all be in trouble. As it is now, she is all over the place. Even though it has only been 2 weeks, Jocelyn pretty much keeps her glasses on at all times. I really think she has figured out how much clearer the world is with them on.
She only snatches them off when she gets tired or bored (like riding in the car after she throws all of her toys down). It is really amazing to see all the changes that have occurred in just a small amount of time. It makes us really excited to see what is to come.

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