This past month has been filled with lots of partying. We first started by going to Jocelyn's cousin Jude's 9th birthday. We went over to his house to help him Celebrate. To our surprise, Jude's great aunt Suzie brought her horse for Jocelyn to ride. This was the first time that Jocelyn has seen a horse this close and

personal. She was a little taken back and first and didn't quite know what to think about it. Then, the following week, we went camping at Wilson Lake to celebrate my

birthday. We went down with some friends and met up with Oma, Papa, Chris and Bridget. We also had some family friends that were there as well. Even though it was rather warm that weekend, I knew Jocelyn would be a happy camper. On our way, we stopped in Salina at the Cozy Inn, which is a world famous burger joint. Since this was Jocelyn's second trip there, she was able to show everyone the ropes. While we were camping, we spent lots of time in the water. Jocelyn just loves splashing around and hanging out in her floaty. She laughs

and giggles in the water. She was definitely tired though by the end of the day. She played hard but she also slept hard. After we returned from the lake, it was pretty hectic. I was busy with work, call and surgery. Alex was busy with school and work. And Jocelyn, well, she was busy being busy. We did manage to find time to pack up our camping gear and head back out to the lake for the Fourth of July. We met back up with Oma and Papa. Unfortunately, the weather was not as nice this time. It rained on Sunday and was terribly windy on Saturday so we were not able to spend much time in the water. We did go on lots of walks and spent time hanging out under the awning. We went on a nature hike early Sunday morning and were just getting through when a down pour hit. We were running down the road. I tried to cover Jocelyn with one of our shirts but she wasn't digging the rain very

much. Unfortunately, Jocelyn also had her first run in with a tick on her belly. Luckily, it hadn't burried his head and was easily removed.

Everyone has to find one at some point. So, now we are back in Olathe trying to rest up and get back into daily grind. However, we are looking forward to the weekend. We are going to the Kansas City Zoo with Oma and Jocelyn's cousins. We will be taking lots of pictures so I will add them next week.
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