Tuesday, April 21, 2009
6th Month Check Up
Last week, we had Jocelyn's 6th month well child check at her pediatrician's office. They checked her height twice and we came to the conclusion that the measurement taken at the Down syndrome clinic was inaccurate. She is 27 inches long and just over 18lbs. That puts her around the 90th percentile for height and weight. Her pediatrician thinks she is doing great. Developmentally she is right on track. She is sort of starting to scoot around a little. She is starting to get frustrated because she just wants to get up and go but can't quite get everything coordinated yet. She is close to sitting by herself as well. We are going to keep increasing her solid food intake. We also bought her a sippy cup to start working on. Even though she has been having a cold lately, she checked out physically good as well. She also received the dreaded vaccines. She of course did great. Just a few tears. So, now we are all set until her 9 month check up. In the meantime, we are going to start shopping for her new car seat. Her weight limit on her infant seat is 22lbs. Next week we will meet with Bev, Jocelyn's Family Service Coordinator to discuss how Jocelyn is doing and see if she needs any other services as well. Also next week, we are going to see an ENT about her persistent congestion and recent ear infections. Grandma Vicki will also be here next week to watch Jocelyn for a week while Sarah, the day care provider is on vacation. I'm sure Jocelyn will have a great time.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
6 Months Old!!!

Can you believe it? Jocelyn is now 6 months old. I know everyone says that "time just flies by" or "it seems like only yesterday" but it really is true. She is just getting so big and more and more independent. She is starting to push her self up. You can tell she just wants to take off and crawl. I'm sure it won't be much longer. Jocelyn is also almost sitting by herself. So, we started feeding her in her high chair. Seeing her in the high chair really makes it hit home that she is growing up. She isn't my little new born anymore. Now, she has her own personality and is showing more each day. We have her 6 month well child check on Tuesday. I will post afterwards to let everyone know how it goes.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Down Syndrome Clinic Appointment

On Wednesday, April 1, Jocelyn had her first appointment at the Down syndrome clinic at Children's Mercy Hospital. The clinic is set up for kids with Down syndrome to come once a year and see a variety of specialist. It took all morning but was worth it. Jocelyn, my mom and I went on Wednesday. We got to see a developmental pediatrician, an audiologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, nutritionist, social worker and had some lab drawn. They like to check her thyroid because kid's with Ds can have an abnormality with their thyroid. Also, they check her blood for any changes in her white blood cell count which may indicate leukemia (it is also more prevelant in kids with Ds). When they poked her with the needle, she didn't even flinch. No tears or whimpers. She was amazing. She had a hearing screening and passed with flying colors. She was so good. They said everything is going good. She is growing very well and progressing developmentally well too. While we were sitting in the waiting room, we started talking to other people that were there. There were two other babies born very close to Jocelyn that were there too. Both were very tiny. Jocelyn weighs more than the baby that was there who was 8 months old! Also, every single kid there had some sort of heart problem. Most either had surgery or are still waiting for it. It really showed us how truely lucky we are that Jocelyn is so healthy. We are going to go see an ENT specialist though since she has had two ear infections already and is constantly congested. Other than that, we will just continue to follow up with our regular doctor and go back to the DSC when Jocelyn is 18 months old.
Weekend in Hays

Last weekend, Jocelyn, her cousins and I traveled to Hays for the weekend to hang out with the rest of our family. Jocelyn's great Aunt Jennifer and her family were in town to visit as well. She has two kids, Kate and Emma. My niece Madeline and nephew Jude love hanging out with the girls. So I volunteered to take all the kids back to Hays for the weekend so they could spend sometime with eachother. Everybody said I was crazy for taking 4 kids, including 2 babies, by myself in a car for 3 and a half hours. But everyone did great; they mostly slept anyways. We had a good time hanging out with everyone. Jocelyn and Olive played together. Olive, who is 15 months, is very sweet with Jocelyn. Jocelyn got to see her Grandma and Papa as well as her Great Grandma and Great Papa. Every time we go back, people are so amazed at how much she has changed. It was a good time going back and I can't wait until we can do it again.

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