Can you believe it? Jocelyn is now 6 months old. I know everyone says that "time just flies by" or "it seems like only yesterday" but it really is true. She is just getting so big and more and more independent. She is starting to push her self up. You can tell she just wants to take off and crawl. I'm sure it won't be much longer. Jocelyn is also almost sitting by herself. So, we started feeding her in her high chair. Seeing her in the high chair really makes it hit home that she is growing up. She isn't my little new born anymore. Now, she has her own personality and is showing more each day. We have her 6 month well child check on Tuesday. I will post afterwards to let everyone know how it goes.
she is the cutest thing ever...i love how her hair remains fabulous no matter what activity she is doing...so much like her mom...i love this site and finding out what she is up to next...love ya, lisa