Tuesday, April 21, 2009

6th Month Check Up

Last week, we had Jocelyn's 6th month well child check at her pediatrician's office. They checked her height twice and we came to the conclusion that the measurement taken at the Down syndrome clinic was inaccurate. She is 27 inches long and just over 18lbs. That puts her around the 90th percentile for height and weight. Her pediatrician thinks she is doing great. Developmentally she is right on track. She is sort of starting to scoot around a little. She is starting to get frustrated because she just wants to get up and go but can't quite get everything coordinated yet. She is close to sitting by herself as well. We are going to keep increasing her solid food intake. We also bought her a sippy cup to start working on. Even though she has been having a cold lately, she checked out physically good as well. She also received the dreaded vaccines. She of course did great. Just a few tears. So, now we are all set until her 9 month check up. In the meantime, we are going to start shopping for her new car seat. Her weight limit on her infant seat is 22lbs. Next week we will meet with Bev, Jocelyn's Family Service Coordinator to discuss how Jocelyn is doing and see if she needs any other services as well. Also next week, we are going to see an ENT about her persistent congestion and recent ear infections. Grandma Vicki will also be here next week to watch Jocelyn for a week while Sarah, the day care provider is on vacation. I'm sure Jocelyn will have a great time.


  1. It's Caleb and Maggie's mom from Babycenter's Down syndrome board. Just wanted to say Jocelyn is adorable and I'm excited to meet another beautiful baby with the same yummy arms and legs as Caleb.

  2. Love keeping up with your day to day adventures! This will be a wonderful keepsake. Jocelyn is so cute! Enjoy reading each new installment. Always thinking of you-Cathy and Mark
