Yes, it's true. Jocelyn has turned 8 months old. I know, I know, you are probably saying there is no way but it's true. She has really grown a lot this past month both size wise and developmentally. She is now sitting up completely independently as well as army crawling. Last night I caught her starting to play with this glass bowl in the TV cabinet. Our world as we know it has changed. We have to go through and baby-proof the house. It is funny; I will be in the kitchen doing something and I turn around and here she comes scooting into the kitchen. She is such a social baby and has to be where the action is. So, we went to the ENT yesterday for a follow up the fluid in her ears. They first did the tympanogram test and it again showed that there was fluid still back there in both. Then, after Dr. Thompson examined her ears, he said that the right ear was okay but the left ear had a great deal of puss behind it. So we are once again on an anti-biotic. We just finished Amoxicillin this week but it is not a very good axb for ear infections. We also decided that she needs to have tubes placed in her ears to allow the fluid to drain and prevent her from having persistent ear infections. This will also help with her hearing as well as speech. We are scheduled to have the surgery on Monday morning. It will only take about 20 minutes and she should have instant relief. While you never want to see your child have surgery, this will definitely be a blessing once it is all finished.
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