This past weekend, we went to the Down syndrome guild's breakfast. It as a chance for other parents of kids 0-2 to get together, talk and share stories. It was really a great chance to get to know other families and make some connections. There were two other girls there that caught our eye. One girl was born on the same day as Jocelyn and the other was born the day before. Both were pretty small for their ages. One has had quite a bit of feeding and respiratory issues. It was really interesting to meet all the other kids and really see how lucky we are that we have not had to deal with any real medical problems. I think Jocelyn was the biggest baby there. She may have even been bigger than the 15 month old. It was a great experience for us and good way to get our foot in the door. This weekend, we also went and played Frisbee golf. Jocelyn was a great sport. She was our caddie. She was such a good girl hanging out in her stroller. We were able to play 9 holes before she had enough. On Saturday evening, we had a BBQ at our house. Jocelyn was able to play with some more friends, Isabelle and Emma. Aubrey and Kayla came over as well. It was really neat seeing all the little girls running around here. It is funny to think that when we use to have BBQ, it was all about staying out late and partying. Now, all we did was talk about funny things that our kids have done or gave each other advice. Then, Sunday evening, Jocelyn went to her first softball game. I tried to explain to her that she will soon be pretty use to the ball field. She did great even though she slept through half of it.
Down Syndrome is a horrible and disgusting affliction. I have a relative with Down Syndrome. He recently was excused from being prosecuted in court for attempting to rape his own sister, but was excused from the case due to his disability. The child with Down's has torn apart our family and caused stress and trouble beyond belief. His parents cannot go anywhere without finding him a babysitter, but he sexually harasses and assaults so many of his babysitters that they are constantly in search of a new one. They can never rest, relax, or be happy because the immense stress and destruction their disabled child causes. Every parent should do themselves, the world, and their future child a favor by aborting their baby as soon as they find out it is afflicted with Down's. These people are less than human and destroy communities and families.