Yes, it is true. This past weekend, we made a breakthrough. Jocelyn is now taking naps in her own bed. I've been waiting for this for a long time. She has always been good about going to bed at night and sleeping in her own bed. But she would never stay asleep in her bed during the day. She now goes to sleep on her own and falls asleep usually within 5-10 minutes. And the best part, is that she sleeps for at least an hour. Morning and afternoon. Up until this weekend, she is on a great schedule at Sarah's but has never got the whole nap thing down at our house. Plus, she goes to sleep at night that easily as well. It is really nice.
Not much else is going on here. Jocelyn is all over the house now army crawling. She gets up in all fours to crawl and starts to go but then just goes down and army crawls. She is pretty fast. We definitely can't leave her on her own anymore. We've been having some play dates with our friends' Rob and Cat's daughter Elodie. Other than that, we are just starting to get all of our stuff ready for the big camp out next week. It is going to be a blast. I'm glad we've taken Joce out before so I know that she will do just fine.