Today we went to Jocelyn's 9 month well child check. Of course she flashed her cheese ball smile to all the nurses. Jocelyn is doing great; right on track. (As if we would expect anything less) She weighs 22lbs. which on a typical growth chart is in the 90th percentile. She is 29 inches tall and it is 88th percentile for height. Of course, this is completely off the Down syndrome growth chart. She is following her growth chart to a T. She had to have one shot today which she didn't even shed a tear. She was too busy playing with the tongue depressor. So we are good to go for another 3 months.
We will go back at her first birthday. We have a busy week still ahead of us. This weekend, Jocelyn and I are going camping. It is a girls only weekend. Jocelyn's aunt Malindi, cousin Olive and her Grandma Vicki are all getting together, along with some other friends. We are very much looking forward to it. Hopefully the weather cooperates this weekend so Jocelyn can enjoy her first trip to the beach and swim in the lake.

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