Yes, it is true. Jocelyn is now 9 months old. She is growing like a weed. We haven't been doing quite as much lately; just hanging out with

friends and family. We went to my brother's house this weekend. Jocelyn and Olive played all day Saturday. I can already tell they will cause us trouble once they are both running around getting into stuff.
Joce is very close to crawling on all fours. She is getting pretty fast though at her army crawl. All she wants to do now is play with her toys. She does not want to be carried much anymore.

She is now starting to eat more table food. We have discovered that she will only eat real meat, especially chicken; no more baby food meat. She is also drinking out of a straw now completely on her own which is a really big feat. She can almost drink
solely out of a cup without much spillage. It is amazing to see how much she changes every month.
Hopefully, most of you have received an email recently about our Down syndrome walk in October.

We have formed the team and people can now sign up to walk or donate if they are unable to attend. You can check it out a . Look for our team under
Jocey's Jaywalkers for all the info.
On July 14, Jocelyn has her 9 month well child check up. I will let everyone know how that goes later on this week.
In Jocelyn's 9 month pictures, she is wearing at hat that her Aunt
Malindi made.
Malindi has a store on where she sells these hand made hats for babies. You should check it out. They are a great gift for a little one.
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