Well, I know it has been awhile since my last post. We have just been very busy lately. Jocelyn is always on the go. It is a good thing she is a very flexible little girl. We went back to the ENT last week and got the okay from the doctor that the tubes are working and we don't need to come back for 4 months. This past week, we have had a lot of family from Alex's side come to town. First off, Alex's cousin Nick was in town. He is in the Army and is currently scheduled to leave for Afghanistan on July 10. He will be gone for 8 months but will be doing more office type work rather than actual fighting. We still wish him the best and hope that he returns home as fast as he can. Then, later on in the week,
Alex's Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Bob and their kids Caitlin and Mary, along with Caitlin's boyfriend Jeff came to visit us from California. It was great seeing them again. Last time we saw them was at our wedding. This was also their first meeting with Jocelyn. Of course, she was just as cute as she could be and charmed them all. We went over to Alex's Aunt Roseanne and Uncle Don's house for the 4th of July festivities. Jocelyn got to play with her cousin Hayden who is 18 months old. When it was time for bed, Jocelyn went to sleep in her pack-n-play and managed to sleep through all the fireworks noise. Since we were in Bonner Springs, fire works are legal and so we had a lot of fun setting off some great fire works. On Sunday afternoon, the whole Green clan decided to go to the Royals game.
And since Jocelyn is now a veteran there, she had a good time. She slept through half of the game. It was a really good game; even better that the Royals won. It wasn't too hot and shady part of the day. We went over to Alex's cousin Chris and his wife Angela's house to hang out and play. Finally, Jocelyn crashed that night. I think all the excitement caught up with her. She slept very well that night. The Green's of California will be in town the rest of the week so we can continue spending as much time with them as we can. Hopefully, we will be able to go to California soon ourselves.

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